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The SustainabilityX(R) Magazine Global 50 Women in Sustainability Awards(TM) 2024



In a world clamouring for change, bold leadership is not just welcomed—it's necessary. The SustainabilityX® Magazine was thrilled to announce the call for nominations for the 3rd annual Global 50 Women In Sustainability Awards™ 2024 in Februrary, under the exhilarating theme "Embrace Boldness." This initiative seeks to honour women who are at the forefront of sustainability, women who dare to lead, innovate, and inspire. Nominations are now closed and results will be announced in Fall 2024.

As The SustainabilityX® Magazine embarks on the 3rd annual Global 50 Women In Sustainability Awards™ in 2024, we proudly champion the theme of audacious leadership under the banner "Embrace Boldness." This initiative is more than an awards program; it's a clarion call to highlight and celebrate the incredible women who are not only navigating the sustainability frontier but are also redefining leadership with their daring actions and innovative solutions.

At The SustainabilityX® Magazine, our core mission is to illuminate the trailblazing efforts of women who are seamlessly blending leadership with sustainability to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. This year, "Embrace Boldness" invites us to delve deeper into the narratives of women who, with their fearless resolve and pioneering spirit, are not just participating in the global sustainability dialogue but are actively shaping its future.

In an era marked by unprecedented challenges, from the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to the ever-expanding gender gap, the urgency for bold female leadership has never been more apparent. These leaders are indispensable in our collective journey towards realizing the United Nations' Global Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Their resilience, foresight, and transformative leadership embody the essence of true change-makers.

Reflecting on the power of such leadership, Supriya Verma, the visionary founder of The SustainabilityX® Magazine and celebrated as one of Canada's Top 30 Under 30 in Sustainability Leadership, shares, "Now is the moment for bold leadership. The unique challenges and opportunities of our times demand that women at the forefront of sustainability wield their influence unabashedly. Their bold visions and decisive actions are the cornerstones upon which a sustainable and equitable future will be built."

As we prepare to roll out the red carpet digitally on for the 3rd annual awards, our dedication to leveraging technology for good has never been stronger. This digital platform not only enables us to celebrate the indomitable spirit of women leaders across the globe but also serves as a beacon of unity, bridging distances and knitting together a tapestry of voices advocating for sustainability.

"This year's theme, 'Embrace Boldness,' is a testament to our foundational belief in the power of inclusive and regenerative economies. It's a belief that has been the bedrock of The SustainabilityX® Magazine since its inception. As we move forward, our commitment to spotlighting those who dare to lead boldly and imagine a thriving, inclusive future remains unwavering," Verma concludes.

We invite you to join us in this journey by subscribing to our mailing list and becoming a member. Together, let's celebrate and support the bold women who are not just dreaming of a greener, more sustainable world but are actively bringing it to fruition.

Who Are We Looking For?
We're on the hunt for women who embody the spirit of bold leadership—those who challenge the status quo, drive impactful change, and contribute significantly towards a sustainable future. Do you know a woman who fits this description? Or perhaps, do you see yourself as one? Now is the moment to step into the light.

Nomination Details:

Launch Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
NOW EXTENDED Early Bird Offer: Enjoy a 25% discount on the nomination fee of $199 until March 29, 2024. CODE: SUSTX25
Final Deadline: Nominations at the regular price closed on May 17, 2024.

How to Nominate:​

  1. Visit our nomination form (2024 nominations now closed, stay tuned for the call for nominations opening Feb 2025)

  2. Fill in the nomination form with details that capture the nominee’s boldness and leadership in sustainability.

  3. Submit your nomination along with the fee. 

Why Nominate?

Nominating someone for the Global 50 Women In Sustainability Awards is a powerful way to acknowledge and celebrate the incredible work being done by women leaders in sustainability. It's an opportunity to shine a light on those who are not just navigating but shaping the future of environmental stewardship, economic resilience, and social equity. Self-nominations accepted.

Join Us in Celebrating Bold Leadership:
By nominating, you’re not just acknowledging remarkable achievements; you're contributing to a narrative that highlights the critical role of bold leadership in achieving global sustainability goals. Let’s come together to recognize and celebrate the fearless women leaders who are paving the way for a greener, more equitable world.

We eagerly await your nominations. Together, let’s embrace boldness and spotlight the women leading the charge towards a sustainable future.

  • Learn more about 2023's awardees here. View 2023's official press release here

  • Learn more about 2022's awardees here. View 2022's official press release here.


Nominate a trailblazing woman in sustainability by filling out the official nomination form available here or below (now removed for 2024). Stay tuned for the next call for nominations in Feb 2025 updated on this page. 

For information regarding award programs:

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