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How Deborah Rosati Spearheads Women's Participation In Corporate Leadership

SustainabilityX®’s #CorporateGenderEquality SDG#5 Spotlight Series

Deborah Rosati's #CorporateGenderEquality SDG#5 Spotlight Series Interview for The SustainabilityX® Magazine with Supriya Verma, Sustainability, Social Inclusion, Gender Equality, Just Recovery, Corporate Leadership, Leadership,  Strategy, Management, Women In Business, Women In Leadership, Social Justice, Gender Inequality, SDG5, Women Empowerment, Gender Gap

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As part of SustainabilityX®’s #CorporateGenderEquality SDG#5 Spotlight Series, we’re interviewing trailblazing global female corporate leaders and entrepreneurs who’re bridging the gender gap by breaking barriers, shattering traditional stereotypes, and taking the world of business by storm. This campaign is in line with our third pillar of sustainability upon which SustainabilityX® is based: social inclusion, which involves marginzalized populations and vulnerable communities such as women, persons with disabilities, unemployed youth, sexual and gender minorities, the elderly, Indigenous Peoples, and ethnic and racial minorities.

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